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Departments & Auxillaries


Flagg Memorial Full Gospel Church has established a number of helps and governments to assist the church's pastor and leadership in the work of the Lord.

Pastor's Aide

Pastor's Aide auxillary provides assistance and care for the needs of the Pastor and the Assistant Pastor and their families.

1st Sunday - The Pastor's Aide is in charge of Sunday morning worship services. The church Adult Choir participates and provides special singing during Sunday worship services.


The Missionaries auxillary works with the church leadership to meet spiritual and social needs for the congregation and the community.

2nd Sunday - The Missionaries are in charge of Sunday worship services. Special music is rendering during service by selected choral groups and musicians.

Trustees Department

The Trustees provide leadership in oversight and care for the church facilities and grounds.

3rd Sunday - The Trustees are in charge of Sunday worship services. The church Men’s Choir participates and provides special singing during Sunday worship services.

Music Department
  • Adult Choir: Renders service in song on Pastoral Day and during special programs.

  • Youth Choir: Renders service on Youth Day and during special programs.

  • Men’s Choir: Renders service on Men’s Day and during special programs.

Youth Department

The Youth Department lead and coordinate church wide programs and activities for the young people of the church. The programs include 4th Sunday worship service and holiday (Christmas and Easter) programs.

4th Sunday - Youth Department is in charge of Sunday morning worship service. The church Youth Choir participates and provides special singing during Sunday worship services. Click here for more information about Youth Activities and Outreach.


Men's Department

The Men's Department provide support to all departments and ministries of the church as leaders of their families and the church.

5th Sunday (once per quarter) – The Men of the church are in charge of Sunday worship services. This include leading devotional services and Men's Choir participation during Sunday worship services

Usher Board

The Ushers of Flagg Memorial greet members and guest that enter the sanctuary and attend to all duties necessary for providing orderly conduct in the house of God.

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